Sunday, July 25, 2010


My bag is packed!
As I was packing, Ryan was helping me by bringing large ziplocs to use. He took one and said, "Mommy, I need this one."
He then told me he was using it so I could bring it to Malawi. So I go back to packing, not paying attention to what was going on.
Three minutes later, he said, "Mommy, I spilled some of the water out of the bag. Sorry, mom."
Okay, what is he doing?? I go into the bathroom and he tells me he wants Yoweli and Happy (our sponsor children) to be healthy. He says he wants safe water for us to drink. He then says he doesn't understand why the water can't go in the suitcase!
Amazing how much my kids have paid attention, especially when I didn't know they were listening!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Southern (Africa) Hospitality

This past Sunday I had the chance to go to the church of my youth with my Mom. The priest shared about his experience living in Haiti and about his non-profit that helps orphan children. He told us about “mud pies” which are literally dirt fried in oil that the kids eat in order to overcome hunger (temporarily). He talked about how parents will leave their children in public places in the hopes that someone will pick them up and be able to feed them. The plight the priest described brought tears to my eyes and his plea for our hospitality to these kids was quite effective! Hospitality, he said, was the theme of the scriptures we read and the theme of his purpose in speaking to us that Sunday.

When I hear these stories, I feel a strong desire to be more in a position to do something. This time, I also felt really excited about being blessed to go to Malawi and to contribute – even for a short time. The people who have gone before us have told us that just sharing the experience of the moment with the people is a great gift (for both parties) even if it’s a moment colored by suffering. It seems that being able to forget and step outside of yourself and connect with another person – no matter what your life situation is – is something we all crave and need. I think it’s "connectedness" that satisfies. Otherwise, what's the point of “it all”? The ironic thing is that we've heard over and over again that the people of Malawi (aka "The Warm Heart of Africa") extend such touching hospitality to us even when they have little to give from a material perspective.

For the second time this week I got a message about hospitality – that exact word, in italics from a friend who was asking for help on behalf of refugees in need of basic household items.

This week God's message to me is hospitality. Loud and clear. More will be revealed, I'm sure.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

“God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.”

I read this quote in Rich Stearns’ book The Hole in Our Gospel.

This has given me hope and peace as I follow the call to learn about God’s work in Malawi. I know He is bigger than my fear and anxiety. I know He is faithful to complete the work He has started and that His plans are always good.

I rest in the peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that it can only come from our Lord.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Is This a Dream?

I still can't believe that in about a month, I'll be in Malawi. Every time I think about it, I think of my classmate from 2006 because he returned from Malawi with reports of "mice on a stick" snacks. In addition to the mice snacks, I'm really looking forward to connecting with the people - all kinds of people: the people of Malawi, my Trex team, the other folks on our mission, the Y-Malawi staff, and folks I don't even know to be excited about yet!

I also can't wait to see what impact I get to have there and what impact the trip will make on me. The past 6 months or so have just whizzed right by (which is always a good sign). Sometimes my life feels like a dream that I'm just moving through. I'm pretty sure that getting off the plane in Malawi will snap me right out of that. I'm hoping that (for a while anyway) my petty worries about my extremely blessed life disappear into an attitude of profound gratitude. I'm hoping for a greater sense of belonging to humanity. Though ironic, I'm hoping to feel joyous and free in circumstances that will bring me face to face with the much harsher circumstances of life on the other side of the world. And of course, the ultimate, I hope to feel closer to God.

The thing is, great things are already happening. I guess it's best expressed as a spirit of boldness and confidence because going on this trip is more intimidating than most of what I encounter day to day. I find myself thinking about what my intentions are for my life and the world in a much more conscious, precise way. I find myself having better perspective.

I'm thrilled by the adventure. I have expectations but truly I have no idea what to expect. I'm pretty sure I can't even imagine what's in store...