My bag is packed!
As I was packing, Ryan was helping me by bringing large ziplocs to use. He took one and said, "Mommy, I need this one."
He then told me he was using it so I could bring it to Malawi. So I go back to packing, not paying attention to what was going on.
Three minutes later, he said, "Mommy, I spilled some of the water out of the bag. Sorry, mom."
Okay, what is he doing?? I go into the bathroom and he tells me he wants Yoweli and Happy (our sponsor children) to be healthy. He says he wants safe water for us to drink. He then says he doesn't understand why the water can't go in the suitcase!
Amazing how much my kids have paid attention, especially when I didn't know they were listening!
Totally tears over this simple act of love from Ryan! LOVE IT. Praying for your trip to be life-changing and revolutionary for everyone that you come into contact with!
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